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The platform company held the fourth conference of the first board of directors - the second shareholder meeting of 2017.
Published:04 September 2017 Source:

On August 31, China Aviation Supplies Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “platform company”) held the fourth conference of the first board of directors - the second shareholder meeting of 2017. Jia Baojun, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Secretary of the Party Committee, Yang Xiaoming, Representative of Shareholders and Deputy General Manager, and Wang Lijing, Chief Accountant, from China Aviation Supplies Holding Company, Tan Kejian, General Manager Assistant of China Aviation Supplies Holding Company and General Manager of the platform company as well as the directors of relevant functional departments of China Aviation Supplies Holding Company attended the conference. Li Yangmin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the platform company chaired this conference.

Jia Baojun, on behalf of shareholders, extended gratitude to the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors for their efforts to build the platform company and recognized the fruitful work performance of all people during the past one year. Jia Baojun conveyed that the leaders from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council attached great importance to the sharing platform, emphasized that, as the platform company was positioned as a support service provider, all shareholders shall proactively advance each business and jointly accelerate the building of the platform company.

Under the guidance of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the platform company had been operating efficiently over the past year since its establishment, made contributions to the industry and laid a solid foundation for its future development, so the work performance shall be highly recognized, said Yang Xiaoming. Yang Xiaoming put forward the crucial problems that needed to be resolved in the process of building the aviation supplies sharing platform and further identified the orientation and path for the development of the platform company.

Tan Kejian, on behalf of the platform company, reported to the Board of Directors the overall operation situation for the first half of 2017, mainly including convening situation of board and shareholder meetings, the progress of specific business, the progress of each piece of key management work, implementation of financial budget, problems faced by the platform company during its business advancement and suggestions, and identified the issues that needed the support of shareholders.

All items of the platform company for voting were unanimously approved at the meeting. The meeting focused on in-depth discussions on the problems put forward in the report. An agreement on how to address the disposal of the surplus aviation supplies, bulk purchasing of consumable supplies and spare engine sharing of the platform company was reached at the meeting.

Li Yangmin required the shareholders and the platform company to stick to “one purpose”, face the internal and external markets, pass “three common” insights, accelerate the promotion of “four businesses” and follow the "five specific" work plans in a bid to jointly establish the platform. All shareholders pointed out that they would go all out to support the work of the platform company, proactively promote the advancement of each business and make efforts to develop the platform company.

Address: No.3 Tian Wei Si Jie,Block A Airport Industrial,Shunyi District,Beijing,101312 China
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Address: No.3 Tian Wei Si Jie,Block A Airport Industrial,Shunyi District,Beijing,101312 China
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