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Legal Statement

This website was?created by China Aviation Supplies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as?CASC).?Please read the following terms before using this website:

Any material, information and other contents of this website are provided by?CASC. Anyone who accesses this website, reads any content, downloads any material from this website or uses the information provided on this website shall be deem to?accept these terms, and this shall be legally binding. Stop using this website if you?do not agree to?comply with?these terms.?CASC?reserves the right to update the following terms at any time without notice, and the updated ones will?come into effect.

Declaration of rights

All rights including ownership, copyright and other rights of?the information, layout, graphics, processes, sounds, programs and other contents of this website are reserved by CASC.?These?rights?are?protected by laws, regulations rules, and other normative legal documents of People's Republic?of China, as well as?related international treaties (excluding the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan). Any infringement of these rights may result in civil, administrative or criminal liability. Nothing contained on this site represents or implies the transfer of any of the rights or permissions described above.

Free from Liabilities

The content contained in this website, especially the possible or projected future performance, costs, dividends, revenues, production levels or efficiencies, prices, reserves, development,?industrial growth or other trends of CASC, synergies?of corporate combination?or any expectation of revenue,?are prospective?and subject to certain risks and uncertainties.?Actual results?and outcomes?may differ from those expressed or implied by?the content due to the impacts of?various factors?. Please note that CASC?do not undertake any obligation, liability, or?provide any guarantee?for the?timeliness, accuracy and / or integrity of the information provided.

The contents of this site have been reviewed before published, but we do not provide any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, regarding the correctness, timeliness, validity, stability, usability, non-infringement of the rights of others, etc. ; We do not guarantee the stability of the server, and that you can browse, read, copy, use this site at any time; We do not guarantee the accuracy?or integrity of the text, graphics, materials, links, instructions, statements or other matters; we do not guarantee?the contents of this site are free of errors in printing, copying and typing. The Site Operator may make changes to this site at any time without notice, but the?content will not be necessarily changed in time, and we do not guarantee to notify you when the?changing?is made.

This site are not subject to any legal responsibilities under any circumstances in terms of direct, indirect and incidental?consequential damages, which includes loss of profits, information data, or property damages, etc., lead by using this the content of the site or having trouble entering this site.

?The links through this site?are only?for providing convenience?for users, and?the linked sites are?not within the control of this site. Any user browsing?links through this site to other sites are considered not?browsing this site.?Thus, we do not undertake any obligations in terms of internet and other forms of transmission from the linked sites.

Any third party?which is?interested in establishing a link with this website are required to notify CASC with their request?to link?in writing documents. CASC?reserves the right to refuse any request to link to this website. However,?CASC?shall not bear any responsibility for establishing a two-way link with this third party even if CASC?issues its written permission.


We respect the privacy of users, and we do not collect user's?information?in?any kind?without the user's consent. E-mail,?address?and other related information we gathered from any user in the need of service?will not be provided?to any third party without user's?consent.


The agreement expires when either party terminates?it. Destroying all software, documentations?and related material obtained from this website?grounds for termination of this agreement, whether?under the terms of this agreement or otherwise.


All lawsuits or disputes arising from this website shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If CASC?have to revise any provision?above due to the change of?the law, all parties shall be regarded as?accepting the revised provision. This statement is subject to the law when conflicts occur. It?is?divisible, and terms, which are sentenced or ruled?as?invalid, do not jeopardize?the validity of other terms?in the statement.


This statement was last updated on January 27, 2018.

Address: No.3 Tian Wei Si Jie,Block A Airport Industrial,Shunyi District,Beijing,101312 China
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Address: No.3 Tian Wei Si Jie,Block A Airport Industrial,Shunyi District,Beijing,101312 China
Copyright 1999-2018 CASCPOOLING.COM All Rights
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